
my name is Nicolas Endres, most people call me Nicki. I work as a facilitator, personal and organisational coach, mediator and educator. I teach courses on inner science and meditation and give talks on science and philosophy. I co-founded and for three years co-directed CoopSpace, a self-organised co-working community in Berlin. Currently, I am stewarding The Garden, an organisation focussed on Inner and Outer Regeneration. You can find out more about my offers and projects below. If you want to work with me you can book a free call below.


Transformative coaching

The essence of working as a coach is being a kind and supportive friend, dedicated to aiding you on your journey to thrive and flourish. The coaching process is akin to the art of gardening. In this role, I assist in guiding and supporting your growth, much like a gardener aids a seedling in its journey to become a beautiful, fully-grown plant. By ensuring you have access to the necessary inner and outer resources and a nurturing environment, I aim to create optimal conditions for your natural and autonomous development, enabling you to unfold and realize your inherent potential.

Organisational Coaching and Development

In my work as an organisational developer and team coach I support teams and organisations in their transition to new ways of collaboration, participation, relating and being. To do so I utilise the full range of my expertise in psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, agile management, coaching, mediation and mindfulness-based practices.


Peace researcher Johan Galtung said: “Peace is when people solve their conflicts creatively and constructively”. This sentence could be seen as the essence of mediation. My approach is characterised by deep listening, classical mediation, non-violent communication and mindfulness approaches. I offer mediation in person in Berlin or via zoom. If you are interested in booking a mediation please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.


In my work as a facilitator I hold space for groups and teams, from companies to associations, non-profits and intentional communities. These spaces can can be workshops or trainings on a variety of topics ranging from organisational culture, community-building, decision-making, conflict culture, mindfulness in organisations, agile mindset and iterative and incremental work. If you would like to work with me, contact me using the form below.

Keynotes and talks

I have lectured at university and given a number of talks at scientific conferences and festivals. The topics range from psychology, neuroscience and philosophy to meditation and psychedelics to regenerative cultures, sustainability and organisational development. If you are interested in a talk write me a message on the contact form below.


Inner (R)Evolution Course

Inner (R)Evolution is a twelve-week course on the inner science of transforming ourselves and our relationship with the world. The course combines the wisdom and meditative techniques of the ancient contemplative traditions of Buddhism and Daoism with the insights of modern psychology, neuroscience and philosophy. The experience takes place within a community of practice and support using a microsolidarity framework.

Regenerative Teamwork Course

Many organisations that are committed to positive change are characterised by a deep passion for their mission. However, this passion can lead to the needs of team members and the quality of collaboration taking a back seat, which can lead to stress, burnout and internal conflict. Our five-week workshop series provides a experiential learning space where participants can discover together the foundations of a regenerative organisational culture.

Belonging and Purpose

Belonging and purpose is an eight-week learning and practice journey on the art and science of creating wholesome group spaces of trust, care and belonging. Together we explore a curated set of practices based on Microsolidarity, Internal Family Systems, Liberating Structures, Nonviolent Communication, Work That Reconnects, Mindfulness and Self-Compassion. The aim is to deepen our relationships with ourselves and others, to support and care for each other and to learn how to build sustainable communities.

Other projects

The Garden

The Garden is a sanctuary, playground and research facility for those committed to inner and outer regeneration. United in purpose, we are a collective of change-makers, scientists, artists, process designers, meditators, coaches and philosophers, dedicated to nurturing individual and collective flourishing through the power of community, compassion and collaboration.
The world is currently facing increasingly complex challenges, climate change, AI, social inequality to name just a few. How we respond to these challenges will decide what the future of our planet will look like. We believe that resolving the current crises will need nothing less than a collective cultural enlightenment.

Imago Space

Imago Space is a self-organised, co-creative coworking community, focused on new ways of collaboration, participation, relating and being and we have a big space in the heart of Berlin-Kreuzberg to nurture this vision. The community is a hub for sustainable organisations and projects working at the intersection of cooperativism, open-source software, mind-body work, design, community building and new forms of education and governance. I co-founded and for three years co-directed the space. We focus on growing an open, nurturing, psychologically safe culture in which we can feel free to express ourselves and connect with each other. So if you are looking for a beautiful space to work, you can apply via our website.